Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Writer's Challenge

     I had all sorts of big plans for this summer, one of which being to "get serious" about my writing. What exactly I meant by that, I'm not sure. I say it fairly often and rarely act on it. Thus, as my friend so kindly shared this with me, I'll be undertaking a fifteen day writing challenge offered by Jeff Goins on his website. I don't normally like to solicit, but I thought I'd include a badge at the bottom of my entry along with a little back work since I've come in a day late. Thus, without further ado...

Day One -- Declare You're a Writer (Catch Up)

     I am a writer. I am not a terribly good writer, nor as yet published, but I do in fact write. I journal, I blog, I invent (sort of) clever statuses, I compose letters, I jot ideas, and I even arrange the occasional poem. I'm supposed to tell this to an actual person or institution, boldly and without an overpowering fear of rejection. Since I'm sort of timid and also have a nasty cold in addition to my killer garlic breath, I opted for informing my sweetheart via IM. His response? "I know." That's promising, right?

Day Two -- Good Writers Believe In Themselves

     Ok, so I'm not much for the whole "believe in yourself" movement, but I can see the man has a point. If I gripe and grump and groan about my lack of abilities, I'm not going to get anywhere. The attitude ought to be "just do it." Well, here it is. I've jumped into the midst of a mission/quest/thing and I'm confident I can complete it. All that's left is the action part. Haha... yeah... "all."

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