Sunday, January 15, 2012


The Student by Maria Dixon
     In my e-wanderings, I have noticed a growing number of blogs offered by homeschool mothers full of sound Biblical advice on how to be a wife and a mother. It's fantastic to read. I've actually started compiling ideas and devotions in to a sort of "hope folder" in lieu of a hope chest. I look forward to, even long after, the myriad of "someday" experiences I'll have.

     That said, I'm just not there yet. I'm not a mother, I'm not a wife. Frankly, I'm not even certain that I'm a proper adult at present. And, as much as I love reading the testimonies of God's faithfulness to His saints, it's a little painful when I'm still wrestling with the preliminaries. I nearly cringe as I hear wedding announcements of my friends now, as the enter into this other realm that I'm not part of. At nineteen I already feel like a late bloomer. If I really am a young lady, shouldn't I be ready for that?

      The sentiment Bailey expressed recently in her article, "So Much More: Out of the Box Womanhood," struck a chord with me. Motherhood and womanhood are often practically addressed as one in the same by many well-meaning homeschool moms, but that's hardly true and entirely unfair. Motherhood is a beautiful medium of expression for all that womanhood is, certainly, yet it is not the means to femininity or even the only end. God calls me to be the best woman I can be right now, husband or no.

     I keep looking for stories of girls in the same boat that I'm in--at the very beginnings of independence with a little experience and a lot of trepidation. There are some I've run across, few and far between. Lately I've taken to wondering if there are any other girls my age timidly searching for this sort of internet-camaraderie as well. Therefore, I am re-purposing this space. As a token of friendship, I offer forth in good faith my limited experience and great trepidation, tempered with Biblical truth and growing faith.

     As I most enjoy reading the stories of others and learn best from their relations, I'm going to make an attempt to briefly chronicle my life leading up to this point. In between, I'm sincerely hoping I can generate slightly more focused articles that may be of assistance to high school students coming into their own and college students getting out on their own. Lord willing, someone will benefit.

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